Synthetic Biology Certification Course
Synthetic Biology Online Certification Course
Synthetic biology is a new branch of science that deals with synthesis and sequencing of DNA which makes us capable of combining various genetic pieces for the production of a range of consumer products, and the range varies from biofuels to cosmetics. Some of the achievements of synthetic biology include designing of tumor destroying microbes, organisms that consume toxic chemicals from soil and water, plant species which can fix nitrogen on its own and ways to expand the sugar content and biomass of crops.
Why you should enroll in this course?
Synthetic Biology is an emerging field of Biology that involves the design and construction of new biological entities like cells, genetic circuits, and enzymes. It is considered as the field of the future. As the cost of synthesis and sequencing of DNA has decreased dramatically, we have more access to genetic information and powerful genetic engineering tools than before. Synthetic biology is a booming field that would bring solutions to many of our present and future needs in food and energy production, manufacturing, remediation, medicine, and national security. Synthetic biology will soon create the hottest job market in the world. Synthetic Biology Online Certification Course will give you a solid foundation and specialization in the topic.
Students who wish to pursue a career in synthetic biology can take up this course to build their career as a Researcher or a Scientist in various laboratories & Companies. The Synthetic Biology Certification Course is basically for students from a wide range of backgrounds, including life science, biotechnology, molecular biology & Allied life science fields, chemistry, biology, and medicine. Life science Graduates & Postgraduates both can take up this course and learn about this emerging field of Biology & be job-ready. Non-biologists who wish to learn about life sciences can also take up the topic at Ph.D. or post-doctorate level.
Synthetic Biology Online Certification Course Content
Day 1 - Overview and introduction: History, status, challenges, ethics, and future
Day 2 – Central dogma, key biological numbers
Day 3 – Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation
Day 4 - Genetic engineering, DNA assembly and synthesis, Directed and continuous evolution
Day 5 – Modeling foundation: Chemical kinetics (M-M equation and Hill function), Deterministic models
Day 6 – Modeling foundation: Stochastic models, Spatiotemporal models
Day 7 – noise in gene expression
Day 8 – Bacterial circuits: Feedback, feed-forward, signal propagators, Toggle switch and repressilator, and band filter
Day 9 – Bacterial communication circuits: Population control, Patterning systems, Synchronized oscillators
Day 10 – Functional synthetic systems: From modules to systems
Day 11 – Gene circuit design and engineering: Biobricks/BioFAB and designing Softwares
Day 12 – Synthetic circuits beyond bacteria: Phage, virus, and eukaryotic
Day 13 – In vitro/cell-free systems
Day 14 – Applications: Biofuels, Bioremediation, Biomedicine, and biomaterials
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- What is an Online Self Learning Course?
Log in any time and study at your own pace, that is what an Online Self Learning Course means. However, you must watch 90% of all the lessons to proceed to the next lesson and if you want a Hard copy certificate you must clear the evaluation test, which will be available at the end of the course.
- How to get started with the self-learning course?
You will receive an activation email almost immediately after you enroll for the awesome course. Complete the course at your own pace! Start learning whenever you want. You don't have to bend your schedule.
- How to unlock the next lesson of the course?
Hit the Complete and Continue button on the top to begin your next session, after you mastered one session. Don't skip through! Unless you complete the current lesson you cannot proceed to the next lesson
- What is the time limit to complete the course?
Biotecnika provides unlimited access to the course until you decide to complete the Synthetic Biology Online Certification Course. The course will only end after you give the certification test. You can revise the course again if you failed in the test.
- How do I evaluate myself?
Test all the knowledge you have gained and evaluate yourself. Take the test at the end of the course just like every Self Learning Course.
- How to get the hard copy certificate for the Precision Medicine Course?
Take the test at the end of the course to get the hard copy certificate. You can earn the certificate if you score a minimum of 40% in the test. The certificate will be sent to your doorstep. Now you know not to skip through the course.
- Whom do I contact for any further queries regarding the self-learning course?
Having any trouble? Get in touch with our team. Click on that Chat thingy or write to us cst@biotecnika.org or info@biotecnika.org