Koncept Cloud - Latest Study Tool Revolutionizing CSIR NET Revisions
13 Vast units, 100s of tough topics, and Limited time- The most common challenge a CSIR NET Aspirant faces. Once you complete studying all the units there is barely time left for REVISIONS. Revising regularly is one step students cannot afford to omit or ignore. Properly timed revisions ensure you do not forget the topics, and the concept is retained not only for the exams but for life.
Innovating the learning process has been the aim of Biotecnika. With the latest technology, there are no bounds to making learning and revising a fun process. One such Unique tool to aid CSIR NET aspirants is the Koncept Cloud.
CSIR NET Experts at Biotecnika have formulated a tool to make the boring revision process interesting, quick, and efficient. The latest Study Tool -The Koncept Cloud is a compact, simple, and efficient for CSIR NET Preparations. With all the important topics in one place, you need not waste time going through lengthy notes or vast reference books with the help of Koncept Cloud For CSIR Revision.
What is a Koncept Cloud?
Just like a Cloud which holds all the condensed water vapors, a Koncept Cloud For CSIR Revision holds all the Important and not so important topics of a particular unit in the form of words. Each word or topic is represented in different colors and font sizes. The bigger the font size, the more important is the topic. There are no chances of missing out on concepts with all the important topics right in front of you throughout the revision time—60 Koncept cards filled with topics and concepts you must master.
What can you expect?
- Advanced Study tool for revisions
- 60 Hard copy cards delivered to your address
- Customized E-Learner Portal with the Virtual Word Cloud
- Segregated Unit wise and Topic wise for easy understanding
- Expert Assistance 24*7
You can also add words to the Virtual Koncept Cloud. Place a request to add words, and after a review by the experts, Our team will add them for you!
Get your very word Koncept Cloud Now, Affordable, efficient, and every topic at your fingertips.
Koncept Cloud For CSIR Revision - Life Science Subject