Eklavya Entrance Exam Registration Fee
Every year BioTecNika receives 10,000+ admission inquiries for its CSIR NET Coaching classes, But we have limited seats and limited capacity to provide remarkable coaching services to our students. We take the quality of Our coaching services very, very seriously.
Eklavya Batch Starts 4th November 2022
We firmly believe that coaching our students for CSIR NET is a sacred duty, and we must always take it seriously. And that is why we limit our seats to only 16 per batch. However, this also means that many talented students who are equally capable of qualifying CSIR NET exam miss out on this incredible opportunity to get coached by our experienced faculty members. In Short, they become the Eklavya of Modern times. We have decided not to deny admission to these deserving students anymore.
Thus in November 2022, we will be starting Classroom coaching (Bangalore & Noida) and Online coaching with a different admission Strategy. Every Applicant will have to write an Online Entrance Test based on the lines of the CSIR NET exam, and only those who qualify will be given admission. Take admission based on your merit via the EEE
Entrance exam Details:
- Name of Entrance Exam: Eklavya Entrance Exam ( Triple E)
- Date of Exam: 30th October 2022
- Timing: 9 AM to 12 Noon
- Syllabus: CSIR NET Life Sciences
- Exam pattern: Same as the CSIR NET Exam
- Exam Mode: Online (can be taken from your home)
- Exam Registration Fees: 998 Rs
Scholarship Details:
- The top 3 rankers will get 1 Year of Classroom Coaching or Online Coaching + Online Study Materials + Hard Copy Study Materials with a 100% Scholarship
- The top 16 Students Only be given admission on a First come, first serve basis.
- If a student misses the Admission deadline, then the opportunity will be passed on to the next deserving candidate in the rank list
- The Exam fee will be adjusted in the Coaching fees for those who get admission
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Why is Biotecnika conducting an Entrance exam this time
Answer: At BioTecNika, we firmly believe in nurturing the talent of students; at the same time, Preparing for a competitive exam is a 2-way process. Through this entrance exam, we intend to admit Only serious students who want to qualify CSIR NET exam.
- Can I get admission without the Entrance exam?
Answer: No, This batch is exclusive for qualifiers of the Entrance exam, and no request to take admission into the Eklavya batch will be entertained without the Entrance exam.
- Why is there an Exam fee?
Answer: We want only Serious students to attempt this exam; at the same time, This entrance exam will serve as a gateway to success for Meritorious students who wish to make a mark in the research world.
- I have more questions; where do I ask them?