CSIR NET Koncept Wheel Book
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The Biggest threat to your CSIR NET exam preparation is not your learning ability but your memorizing capability. Experts have scientifically proven that your Brain remembers concepts faster and retains longer if it's presented in form of different colors and shapes. And this is the sole reason we come to you with our latest tool in acing the CSIR NET exam - Koncept Wheel.
Every Wheel has a Central Idea or Concept which is important from the exam point of view and each spoke or part of the wheel represents each feature or characteristic or important point of that concept.
The invention of the wheel is considered one of the most important inventions in the history of mankind. Biotecnika’s Koncept wheel was inspired by the wheel- Focus being 300+ important topics from all the 13 Units of CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus and the spokes representing all information one must know about that concept.
The learning process does not have to be limited to listening to lectures and reading from books. Tools like Koncept Wheel can make studying fun, easy, and most importantly, effective for retention and recall.
What is Koncept Wheel?
Koncept Wheel is the compilation of the most important topic for the CSIR NET Exam. Each topic is described in the form of the wheel, which will help you understand quickly, remember better. You can relate to the concepts easily and recall them whenever needed. Each concept is carefully selected by the experts and made to help students from all backgrounds.
Download FREE Sample Koncept Wheels
What to expect and how it will help you?
- 300+ Important topics covered
- A study tool that will save time- Readily available topics and explanations. One need not have to go through lengthy notes or references to understand the topics.
- Visual learning helps with memory retention.
- Segregated Unit wise and Topic wise for easy understanding
- Available in E-Copy format (hard copy coming soon)
- Expert Assistance 24X7
- Validity: 1 year from the date of purchase
With Biotecnika’s latest study tool by your side, you can now prepare smartly for the CSIR NET Exam.