NEET Study Materials - Latest Edition
Biotecnika's NEET Printed Study Materials not only includes the hard copy books which we send to your home but it also includes NEET Online Study Material+Doubt Solving classes, chat & phone support+Video zone access.
We will be providing you with elaborate NEET study material to understand each and every concept in depth.
We realize that blindly studying doesn't help and thus we have made revision and re-revision a very important feature of this study Material.
According to a survey, when Biotecnika NEET study Material clubbed with Our Online Study Portal and doubt solving, has yielded quicker results when compared to standard books.
Also, we would be providing you with Online Portal access valid for a period of 1 year consisting of:
- Power points and Animations,
- Video backups of every day’s classes
- NEET Online Mock Test Series
- Doubt Solving Classes / Chat / Email / Phone support (To solve your immediate queries)
- Pointwise shorthand notes used in the classes
Hurry!! Get Biotecnika NEET Printed Study Material and gear up your preparation for NEET Exam Preparation.
Still, got a question? Call us at Biotecnika Customer Care: Call 1800-1200-1818 / 080-5099-7000. You can also Chat with us to know more!!